Members Code of Conduct
While we see Filton Golf Club as a relaxed modern golf club, some behaviour is deemed unacceptable, therefore we must define unacceptable behaviour so as to recognise that our standards are not compromised in any way at any time.
Filton Golf Club is committed to providing an environment that is free of discrimination, harassment and intimidation for its members, employees and guests.
Members, guests and visitors are all reminded that an acceptable standard of behaviour is expected in all areas of the Club and course, at all times and that upon payment of membership or green fees, all members, guests and visitors have given their consent to be bound by both the restrictions and penalties which may be imposed for any breach of the club’s standards and policies, or serious misconduct in failing to meet the standards set in this Code of Conduct.
Members will be liable for any breach committed whether by themselves or their guests.
Rule 1.2 of the R and A Rules of golf States the following: –
Rule 1.2 Standards of Player Conduct
All players are expected to play in the spirit of the game by:
There is no penalty under the Rules for failing to act in this way, except that the Committee may disqualify a player for acting contrary to the spirit of the game if it finds that the player has committed serious misconduct.
Penalties other than disqualification may be imposed for player misconduct only if those penalties are adopted as part of a Code of Conduct under Rule 1.2b.
The Committee may set its own standards of player conduct in a Code of Conduct adopted as a Local Rule.
Filton Golf Club has adopted the following under Rule 1.2b of the rules of golf
Any reported unacceptable behaviour will be investigated and could result in disciplinary action being taken.
Whilst Filton Golf Club fully acknowledging that adult “banter” contributes to creating a healthy atmosphere amongst members, these rules are designed to safeguard others who find such banter offensive and/or intimidating. This Code of Conduct is not intended to create a bureaucratic, regulatory environment, but rather to promote and enhance our Club’s values.
A person engaging in any behaviour that may be detrimental to the game of golf or Filton Golf Club is in breach of the code of conduct and should be reported to the General Manager in writing as soon as possible.
It is in the best interests of the game that such behaviour is reported, and all players, members and members of the public are encouraged and have a duty to report such behaviour.
“Respect, Honesty and Integrity”
R&A Statement on Ready Golf:
“Ready golf” is a commonly used term which indicates that players should play when they are ready to do so, rather than adhering strictly to the “farthest from the hole plays first” stipulation in the Rules of Golf.
“Ready golf” is not appropriate in match play due to the strategy involved between opponents and the need to have a set method for determining which player plays first. However, in stroke play formats it is only the act of agreeing to play out of turn to give one of the players an advantage that is prohibited. On this basis, it is permissible to encourage “ready golf” in stroke play, and there is strong evidence to suggest that playing “ready golf” does improve the pace of play.
When “ready golf” is being encouraged, players have to act sensibly to ensure that playing out of turn does not endanger other players.
“Ready golf” should not be confused with being ready to play, which is covered in the Player Behaviour section of the R&A Handbook.
The term “ready golf” has been adopted by many as a catch-all phrase for a number of actions that separately and collectively can improve pace of play. There is no official definition of the term, but examples of “ready golf” in action are:
The Club is very fortunate to have our own resident welfare officer.
Contact: Tony Halloran
Email: [email protected]