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Club Policies

  • EDI & Disciplinary Documents
  • Code Of Conduct

    Members Code of Conduct


    While we see Filton Golf Club as a relaxed modern golf club, some behaviour is deemed unacceptable, therefore we must define unacceptable behaviour so as to recognise that our standards are not compromised in any way at any time.

    Filton Golf Club is committed to providing an environment that is free of discrimination, harassment and intimidation for its members, employees and guests.

    Members, guests and visitors are all reminded that an acceptable standard of behaviour is expected in all areas of the Club and course, at all times and that upon payment of membership or green fees, all members, guests and visitors have given their consent to be bound by both the restrictions and penalties which may be imposed for any breach of the club’s standards and policies, or serious misconduct in failing to meet the standards set in this Code of Conduct.

    Members will be liable for any breach committed whether by themselves or their guests.

    On the course:

    Rule 1.2 of the R and A Rules of golf States the following: –

    Rule 1.2 Standards of Player Conduct

    1. Conduct Expected of All Players

    All players are expected to play in the spirit of the game by:

    • Acting with integrity – for example, by following the Rules, applying all penalties, and being honest in all aspects of play.
    • Showing consideration to others – for example, by playing at a prompt pace, looking out for the safety of others, and not distracting the play of another player.
    • Taking good care of the course – for example, by replacing divots, smoothing bunkers, repairing ball-marks, and not causing unnecessary damage to the course.

    There is no penalty under the Rules for failing to act in this way, except that the Committee may disqualify a player for acting contrary to the spirit of the game if it finds that the player has committed serious misconduct.

    Penalties other than disqualification may be imposed for player misconduct only if those penalties are adopted as part of a Code of Conduct under Rule 1.2b.

    1. Code of Conduct

    The Committee may set its own standards of player conduct in a Code of Conduct adopted as a Local Rule.

    • The Code may include penalties for breach of its standards, such as a one-stroke penalty or the general penalty.
    • The Committee may also disqualify a player for serious misconduct in failing to meet the Code’s standards.

    Filton Golf Club has adopted the following under Rule 1.2b of the rules of golf

    1.2.1           All golfers must         Avoid slow play, apply Ready Golf principles and allow other golfers to play through as appropriate, waving the following group through when searching for lost balls and maintaining a speed of play by keeping up with the group in front, NOT staying in front of the group behind.         Adhere to the dress code, R&A Rules of Golf and local rules of the course at all times.         Demonstrate fair play both on and off the course.         Always follow established golf etiquette respecting the course, such as:-

    1. Repairing pitch marks, replacing divots, raking bunkers etc.
    2. Showing the necessary respect to fellow golfers at all times, which incorporates; no shouting on the course, no misuse of equipment (i.e. throwing clubs in frustration etc.), no aggressive behaviour, or the taking of performance enhancing drugs.
    • Conduct yourself in a sportsmanlike manner and do not knowingly cheat, disrespect employees. Officials or fellow players.
    1. Mobile phones must be switched to silent on the golf course at all times.

    1.3       In the clubhouse:

    1.3.1          Members, guests and visitors are reminded that:         Any form of discrimination is regarded as unacceptable behaviour.         Intimidating, harassing or putting any member of staff in a situation where they feel distressed in anyway.         Intimidating, harassing or putting any member in a situation where they feel distressed in anyway.         Failure to comply with a reasonable request from a member of staff with regards to safety or compliance issues for the club.         Consumption of excessive quantities of alcohol is not permitted by law. Please do not be offended if service is refused.         The use of foul or abusive language such as swearing has no place in the clubhouse and any member heard using unacceptable or offensive language will be asked to either stop or leave the premises. Where someone is noticed to be consistently using bad language after being warned then their continued membership will be reviewed accordingly         Smoking or the use of e-cigarettes is not permitted within any of the club buildings         The taking of illegal substances will incur immediate suspension and loss of membership.         The smoking of cigarettes or e-cigarettes is not permitted in the clubhouse      Be considerate towards others when using your Mobile phone in the clubhouse      The use or possession of ANY illegal substances is strictly prohibited anywhere on Filton Golf Club owned property, course and club house, use or possession of illegal substances may result in termination of membership with immediate effect.

    Any reported unacceptable behaviour will be investigated and could result in disciplinary action being taken.

    1.3.2          Conclusion

    Whilst Filton Golf Club fully acknowledging that adult “banter” contributes to creating a healthy atmosphere amongst members, these rules are designed to safeguard others who find such banter offensive and/or intimidating. This Code of Conduct is not intended to create a bureaucratic, regulatory environment, but rather to promote and enhance our Club’s values.

    A person engaging in any behaviour that may be detrimental to the game of golf or Filton Golf Club is in breach of the code of conduct and should be reported to the General Manager in writing as soon as possible.

    It is in the best interests of the game that such behaviour is reported, and all players, members and members of the public are encouraged and have a duty to report such behaviour.

  • Club Ethos

    Club Ethos

    • Filton Golf Club regards its ethos as the core of its values.
    • Filton Golf Club strives to create a memorable golfing experience for all to enjoy.
    • Our Vision is to be the premier members’ golf club in the area founded on golf’s core values and traditions, while maintaining a modern approach to the game of golf. To realise this vision, Filton Golf Club requires its members to conduct themselves conducive to the club’s ethos, as such, by joining the Club and continuing to hold a membership of any type, all members consequently agree to embrace the Club ethos unequivocally.
    • The Filton Golf Club Ethos is as follows:-

    “Respect, Honesty and Integrity”

    • All members and staff should conduct themselves in a warm, friendly and polite manner towards other members, staff and all visitors to the Club at all times.
    • At no point should any member conduct themselves in any way to the exclusion of others, e.g. if practical members on their own should be invited to play.
    • All members must make every effort to make it as easy as possible for new members to be fully integrated into the Club.
    • Tolerance should be shown towards all levels of ability in members and visitors.
    • While the golf club sees all its members as an investment in the clubs future, we ask that members also invest in the clubs future with their attitude and their conduct towards the facilities, this means repairing pitch marks, replacing divots, and making sure all litter is carefully put in the bins provided.
    • While playing away from our club we expect members to uphold our ethos and behave with appropriate respect for our Club, the club you are visiting and the game of golf.
  • Internet and Social Media Policy

    Social Media Policy

    1.1       Introduction

    1.1.1          Filton Golf Club [“the Club”] realises that social media and social networking websites have become a regular part of everyday life and provide an ideal environment for our members and guests to communicate, organise rounds of golf, manage groups and discuss their playing experiences. However, “the Club” is aware that these sites can become negative and care must be taken not to bring the Club into disrepute, not to breach confidentiality and not to offend or cause disrepute to any member, visitor, staff member and others, when using these services. This Policy only applies to Club related issues and is not meant to infringe upon an individual’s rights and freedoms.

    1.1.2          For the purposes of this document, social media is defined as any type of media that has access to the internet and allows any number of parties to communicate with each other or to share data (in any form) in a public forum. This includes but is not limited to online social forums such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. Social media also covers blogs, video & imaging sharing websites such as YouTube and Flickr.

    1.1.3          The absence of, or lack of, explicit reference to a specific website or service does not limit the extent of the application of this Policy. Where no Policy or guidelines exist, Club members and members of staff must use their judgement as to what is and what is not appropriate use or comment on such sites. Club members and members of staff should consult with either the General Manager or the Management Committee if they are uncertain.

    1.1.4          All Committee members have a duty to implement this policy and take action if they become aware of any breach of this policy and should explain the Club’s policy on the use of social media and networking sites and take steps to promote awareness of this policy.

    1.2       Making Defamatory or Derogatory Comments

    1.2.1          Club members and members of staff must not make derogatory comments about the Club, the golf course, other members or visitors via social media.

    1.2.2          Club members must not make any comments about the Club’s staff that could constitute unlawful discrimination, harassment or bullying contrary to the Equality Act 2010.

    1.2.3          Breach confidentiality, by disclosing any confidential or sensitive information belonging to the Club, its employees, contractors, suppliers, customers, members or any information which could be used by one or more of the Club’s competitors. This includes but is not limited to the following:-         Giving away any information relating to Club members or staff.         Discussing the Club’s internal workings or its future business plans that are not public knowledge.         Discussing information about the Club’s products and services, or technical developments that are not public knowledge.         Include personal information or data about the Club’s members, employees, contractors, suppliers, customers or clients in a post of any kind without their express consent. Or post anything that could constitute a breach of the Data Protection Act 1998.

    1.2.4          Club members and members of staff must not disclose any issues relating to staff morale.

    1.2.5          Breach copyright, or any other proprietary interest belonging to the Club for example by:-         Using someone else’s images or written content without permission; or         Failing to give acknowledgement where permission has been given to reproduce something.         Using the Club’s logos and trademarks without written consent.

    1.2.6          Do anything that could be considered discriminatory against, or bullying or harassment of, any member or member of staff, for example by: –         Making offensive or derogatory comments or discriminating or inciting others to discriminate on the grounds of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage/civil partnership, pregnancy/maternity, race, religion/belief, sex/sexual orientation.         Using social media to bully another member or member of staff or visitor or supplier.         Posting images that are discriminatory or offensive or links to such content.

    1.2.7          All Club members and members of staff, should bear in mind that information they share through social networking applications, even if they are on private spaces are still subject to copyright, data protection, freedom of information and other legislation.

    1.2.8          If a Club member or member of staff believes that there has been an offensive comment on social media about the Club, another member, a member of staff, a visitor or a supplier then they should report this to the General Manager immediately.

    1.2.9          If a Club member or member of staff thinks that another member or member of staff is being bullied or someone has posted a comment that may offend/upset a member or member of staff, then they should report this to the General Manager as soon as possible so that the matter may be investigated.

    1.2.10      If a Club member or member of staff makes a complaint that they know to be untrue, or gives evidence that they know to be untrue, this may lead to disciplinary action being taken against them.


    1.3       Guidance on Use of Social Media

    1.3.1          When using social media in their personal life, Club members and members of staff should:-         Ensure that privacy settings on their profiles are set so that only people they have accepted as friends can see their content         Regularly review who is on their “friends list” on their personal profile.         Ensure personal blogs have clear disclaimers to the effect that the views expressed by the author are theirs alone and do not represent the views of the Club         Make it clear that they are speaking for themselves and not on behalf of the Club.         Ensure that information published on the internet does not breach confidentiality and complies with the Club’s Data Protection Policy.


    1.4       Use of Club Accounts

    1.4.1          The Club operates a number of accounts on social media websites for the promotion of activities and events, and as a communication method. The following outlines the limits of their use:-         An official account on any social media website may only be set-up with written consent from the Management Committee.         Only authorised members may use these accounts to post online and access to the account should be strictly limited.         All information published on the internet must not breach confidentiality and must comply with the Club’s Data Protection Policy.         Copyright laws must be respected, with references or sources cited appropriately.         Any Club member or member of staff who becomes aware of social networking activity that would be deemed distasteful should make the General Manager or a member of the Management Committee aware, as soon as possible.

    1.4.2          All Club members and members of staff using official accounts must adhere to these guidelines. Breach of this Policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of membership/dismissal.


    1.5       Termination of Membership/Staff Resignation or Dismissal

    1.5.1          On termination of membership/dismissal, however caused, if a Club member or member of staff has access to any social media account on behalf of the Club, they must give up all paperwork and passwords relevant to the site and agree not to make further posts or comments in respect of any matter pertaining either to their personal situation or to the running of the Club.


    1.6       Breach of this Social Media Policy

    1.6.1          Breach of any of the policies set out in this document may lead to disciplinary action under Section 2 – 11 of the Club’ s constitution.

    1.6.2          The management committee and the General Manager reserve the right to remove any post to any of the Club’s official social media sites.

    1.6.3          The management committee and the clubs General Manager reserve the right to request the removal of any social media account not officially sanctioned by the Club. Failure to comply with this request will result in disciplinary action under Section 2 – 11 of the Club’s constitution to the account owner.

  • Ready Golf

    Filton Golf Club actively encourages and promotes “READY GOLF”

    R&A Statement on Ready Golf:

    “Ready golf” is a commonly used term which indicates that players should play when they are ready to do so, rather than adhering strictly to the “farthest from the hole plays first” stipulation in the Rules of Golf.

    “Ready golf” is not appropriate in match play due to the strategy involved between opponents and the need to have a set method for determining which player plays first. However, in stroke play formats it is only the act of agreeing to play out of turn to give one of the players an advantage that is prohibited. On this basis, it is permissible to encourage “ready golf” in stroke play, and there is strong evidence to suggest that playing “ready golf” does improve the pace of play.

    When “ready golf” is being encouraged, players have to act sensibly to ensure that playing out of turn does not endanger other players.

    “Ready golf” should not be confused with being ready to play, which is covered in the Player Behaviour section of the R&A Handbook.

    The term “ready golf” has been adopted by many as a catch-all phrase for a number of actions that separately and collectively can improve pace of play. There is no official definition of the term, but examples of “ready golf” in action are:

    • Hitting a shot when safe to do so if a player farther away faces a challenging shot and is taking time to assess their options
    • Shorter hitters playing first from the tee or fairway if longer hitters have to wait
    • Hitting a tee shot if the person with the honour is delayed in being ready to play
    • Hitting a shot before helping someone to look for a lost ball
    • Putting out even if it means standing close to someone else’s line
    • Hitting a shot if a person who has just played from a greenside bunker is still farthest from the hole but is delayed due to raking the bunker
    • When a player’s ball has gone over the back of a green, any player closer to the hole but chipping from the front of the green should play while the other player is having to walk to their ball and assess their shot
    • Marking scores upon immediate arrival at the next tee, except that the first player to tee off marks their card immediately after teeing off
    • Ready Golf should not be confused with Pace of Play
  • Buggy & Trolley Policies
  • SafeGolf